Sunday, April 22, 2012

Newspaper Wars Over the Manifesto

Lately I've been finishing up the reading of B. Carmon Hardy's excellent book Solemn Covenant: The Mormon Polygamous Passage.  While reflecting on some of the newspaper sources he used with reference to the 1890 Woodruff Manifesto, I started looking through them and found them (and a few others not there cited) quite interesting.  With that in mind, I'm setting in motion a brief but dense series here in which I hope to provide noteworthy articles from the Deseret News, the Salt Lake Tribune, and the Salt Lake Herald from late September and October 1890.  While the main subject for many is polygamy or the status of the Manifesto itself, the exchange of heated editorials back and forth provide insight into a variety of other secondary issues involved as well.  This post will serve as a hub to be updated with each new installment; I hope to release each on the corresponding date in late April and May, so as to provide the sensation of attempting to keep up with the war of words as it happened.

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