The following quote for the day is from William Lane Craig, God, Time, and Eternity: The Coherence of Theism II: Eternity (Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic, 2001), 252-253:
The New Testament writers not only understood the Old Testament to be teaching creatio ex nihilo, but went further in identifying the pre-incarnate Christ as the principal agent of creation. The biblical conception of God's relation to the world is therefore one of Creator to creature. Dualistic conceptions of God confronted with a co-eternal, uncreated material which He fashions into a cosmos are alien to the biblical writers, who think of God as all-powerful and the source of all reality external to Himself. he speaks, and the universe springs into being, created out of nothing by His incomparable power. "Before" the beginning, so to speak, only God existed, and creation, we learn from the New Testament, results from His Word, which is the pre-incarnate Christ. [...] A robust doctrine of creation therefore involves both the affirmation that God brought the universe into being out of nothing at some moment in the finite past and the affirmation that He thereafter sustains it in being moment by moment.
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